Sunday, March 9, 2014

Days 2/3: Culture Shock is No Joke

In my opinion, the website painted a different picture of my living quarters. I knew I would be sharing a room. I knew that this house would not have the same amenities as housing I was used to living in. I did not however, realize that the house would be open air. As in the entire living room area and kitchen is open to the outside. (I guess this is normal since there is no AC?) Let me continue; I did not realize there would be, ummm, "house pets." Lizards, geckos, bugs etc I can handle. But throw birds, BATS and MICE into the mix?! And it's a different story. About 92% of the people here have all done something like this and lived like this and traveled to countries likes this. For the majority of people in my house (my house sleeps 20), Nicaragua is only one of many stops in their journey. (Yet another reason why I feel a little out of place here.) All of these bat flying, mice squeaking, bird squawking sounds (which, by the way you hear 24/7, I've learned here to exercise selective hearing) and interactions just 'ain't no thang' to them. Hence me trying to play it cool like a bat taking laps above my head is no big deal. Because no one else seems to be bothered by it in the slightest. Fake it until you make it right?
The door to the left is the office of La Esperanza. The door to the right of that is my house
This is like a main, chill hang out room. (This is also the room where I witnessed the bats)
Front door.
Looking out through the living room to the open 'courtyard.'
Sorry I haven't figured out how to rotate pictures yet haha

My bed. No messy jokes- I'm literally living out of a bag and suitcase and have no place to put my stuff.

Kitchen/chill area.


Bathroom etiquette: BYOTP and you cannot flush any TP down the toilet. Yes, that means any sort of wipeage goes in the waste basket next to the toilet. Yep. BUT, at least it is a full toilet and not just a hole in the ground which I know was of some concern of some for some of us before I got here haha.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. Open air? Oh ya, I know how tolerant you are of lizards and bugs. How are you doing this and for how long? You're awesome...
