Sunday, March 9, 2014

Well, I snapped.

Well I hope you all enjoyed those photos of where I was living. I moved out today. Haha. I lasted a solid 4 days there which is all I had in me. Since I had arrived there I was trying really, REALLY hard to not look like the naïve American girl who couldn't handle it so I just played along like living there was completely normal. Then I was walking by the kitchen last night and spotted a mouse in a pan on the stove. I calmly (ish) told the other girls around me and quietly climbed onto a chair. They responded that it was gross and just threw the pan in the sink and left it there. No biggie. After I decided it was safe to come down, I realized that I have a serious issue with that.
So after trying to determine if I was just overreacting or if my feelings of discomfort and disgust were justified (I had to eat out that night because I just couldn't bring myself to cook in that kitchen..), I decided to shoot my volunteer coordinator an email asking if we could discuss other housing options. Luckily, she sent me a compassionate response and said we could try me in another, much smaller and cleaner volunteer house. And that is where I sit now. This house is much smaller, I'm only one of four who live here, and I have my own room and bathroom. Since I am not sharing that personal space with anyone else, it is MUCH cleaner. There is only one tiny part of the roof in the hallway that is open air. This is slightly more expensive ($46 a week I think), but considering I felt 100% uncomfortable in the last place, I'm good with that.
However, it pains me to report that after making dinner tonight I spotted a mouse crawling up and out near the open air part of the hallway. I had a minor panic attack and after research and talking with a woman I now live with, apparently I'd be hard pressed to find a place to live in Nicaragua that doesn't have these lovely, furry, creatures. Even nice hotels too, have problems with them. Let me tell you, had I know this fact before hand, I hate to say it but Nicaragua may not have been on the top of my list. I just don't do mice. For those of you who know me well, mice may as well be on the same level as deer...

Anyways, stay tuned for NEW pictures to follow. I have my orientation tomorrow morning and then I start volunteering! So things should be looking up soon!

PS shout out to all the people who have shown me unconditional support along the way! I would not be here now without it.


  1. I was waiting for this post! Don't worry I would have been right there wait ya! So glad you're there though I can't wait to read more!!

  2. I love hearing about your adventures in this part of the world, and I'm sure after this is all over you will most certainly appreciate the life you have even more. Keep the updates coming...
