Monday, March 24, 2014

Laguna de Apoyo and Volcan Mombacho

Adventures from last weekend!

Laguna de Apoyo is a beautiful swimming laguna inside a crater. It is thermally heated and, from what I've heard, is the best and cleanest place to swim around Granada. It was pretty awesome. A very relaxing place where you can just lounge on the beach with locals and, when you're not sipping water, sip on an iced cold Tona (Ton-ya, with an accent over the n), the most popular Nicaraguan beer, for just over $1.

I also hiked Volcan Mombacho. Long, hot day but so glad I did it and got out of the house all day. I went with another volunteer and it took us a good 2.5 hours to hike up (taking many necessary breaks). At the top we chugged PowerAde and then did about an hour long loop around a very jungle-like, lush, green crater. It then took us another good two hours to climb back down. About halfway up, there was a coffee farm which gave out free samples. (They also filled up your water bottle for free which was extremely necessary.) Needless to say, we stopped both ways to fuel up.

Clemson shout out.

Another (active) volcano in the distance.

This dirty guy crossed our path on the way out.

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